Saturday, March 31, 2012

Letting the secret out

Kurtis Braun reminded me this week that I had not let everyone in on the secret about Lent this year. What secret? The one that has the potential to spoil the self-denial of Lent. The season of Lent has more that 40 days. What? We always talk about the 40 days of Lent, so how can that be, what is right? Well, there are 40 days of self-denial in Lent. BUT every Sunday is a feast day! So, Sundays do not count! Therefore, no fasting is required on Sunday! AND if you take out the Sundays during the season of Lent, guess how many days are left? Right, 40!

It is not a question of trying to get over on your own self-denial. It is a recognition of God's grace even in the middle of self-denial. And Sundays should not be interpreted as an opportunity to gorge yourself with the very thing you give up Monday through Saturday, even though that can be a temptation.

I do not know if you have chosen self-denial during this Lenten season or not, but if you did, I pray that it was a meaningful time for you. And if you were attempting a lifetime change with something, I pray that by God's grace you are successful. After tomorrow, just six more days left.

Blessings for the Journey!


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